Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Some progression of our renovation process

Let's have a review of what has been done for the past 2 weeks. Hacking work has begun from Day 1. Electrical and Aircon works have also commenced. The other most important part has also started - tiling works! Due to busy working schedule and Alvin has been overseas, I only managed to visit our house over the weekend. But its quite amazing when you step into the house after 5 working days. Many things have changed, so drastically that you can hardly recognise that this is the same place you were in 5 days ago.

This is the new look of our living balcony. Don't you feel that it looks more spacious after removing the sliding doors?

Now, this is what we meant by SPACIOUS after tearing down the Study room wall.

Another view, this is the view from the studyroom looking to the living hall and main door. Now the weird, odd shape of the study room is no longer there :)

Okie, this is the start of how they hack down the service balcony wall. Eventually, all has been wiped out and the floor has been leveled.

Tiling works has begun for the Kitchen. New floor and wall tiles have been layed over the exisiting ones.

New wall tiles for our toilets too. Okie, coming to toilet tiling, many people will have lots of comments on the colours. WHY??? Because we are going to use very DARK COLOURED TILES! And many people cannot accept this, well, to each his own. We really loved ourselves to be bold enough to use such colours. Okie, this side of wall that you see is the BRIGHTEST Colour amongst the rest of my toilet tiles :)

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